API status codes

Status codes

The API server responds contain a status code specifying the status of the response. The table below lists all the status codes and messages returned by the API server:






The request was processed successfully. The response might also contain the data parameter containing data returned from the server.


Maintenance mode

The API servers have entered in maintenance mode and cannot complete any requests. In this case you should try again later.


Missing mandatory parameter

The request does not contain one or more required parameters. There are at least 3 required parameters for every request: apiKey, signature and action. Other methods may also have extra mandatory parameters. Please check the API Reference for more information.


Requests per second limit exceeded

There were too many requests per second made with the same API key.


Requests per minute limit exceeded

There were too many requests per minute made with the same API key.


Uploads per month exceeded

You have exceeded the maximum number of uploads allowed per month.


File size too large

The file you have uploaded has a size that exceeds the maximum file size allowed. For more information please see the limitations imposed by the API.


Collection maximum pages number exceeded

You have uploaded a document that exceeds the maximum of 500 pages allowed. For more information please see the limitations imposed by the API.


Multiple files upload not allowed

Flipsnack API allows only one file per upload request. Upload requests are made via the collection.create method.


Delete flipbook not available for this collection



Collection is in processing state

Publishing a collection may take a few seconds. You can check the collectionStatus at regular intervals (e.g., every few seconds) using the collection.getCollection method. Continue making requests to collection.getCollection until the collectionStatus has a value other than processing.


Bad request

  • You made a POST request for an API call that is not uploading files.

  • You made a GET request for an API call that uploads files.

  • Your request is incorrectly formatted or the URL is invalid.


Invalid credentials

The API key provided in the request is invalid.


Invalid action

The API method you specified in the request is incorrect. Please see the API Reference for the list of possible methods.



You are not allowed to access the specified collection: it has been deleted or the collection belongs to another user.


Invalid signature

The signature you provided is incorrect - it does not match the request.


Invalid file format

The file you are trying to upload has an incorrect file type. For more information please see the limitations imposed by the API.


Invalid collection hash

You are trying to access a collection that does not exist.


Invalid flipbook hash

You are trying to access a flipbook that does not exist.


Operation failed

An error occurred on the server and the request could not be completed. In this case you should resend the request after a few seconds. If the request still fails after several attempts, please contact us.

Last updated