The API key provided for your user. If it is not specified, the request will return the error code "30 - Missing mandatory parameter". If the key is incorrect the request returns the error code "41 - Invalid credentials".
signature (required)
The signature must be calculated by you and added to the request. See How to sign a request for more information. If the parameter is missing the request will return the error code "30 - Missing mandatory parameter". If the signature is incorrect the request will return the error code "44 - Invalid signature".
action (required)
The API method that should be called. In this case the value should be collection.getStats. If it is not specified, the request will return the error code "30 - Missing mandatory parameter".
collectionHash (required)
The hash of the collection for which you want the download package. If you do not specify a collection hash, then the request will return the error code "30 - Missing mandatory parameter".
The status of the download package. Possible values are
PROCESSING: the request is being processed;
COMPLETE: the package has been successfully generated;
FAILED: the package could not be generated
Generating a download package is a time consuming process. You can check the status at a few second intervals by using the collection.downloadHTML method. The requests to collection.downloadHTML should be made until the download package is generated. If the download package is already generated when the first request to collection.downloadHTML is made, the COMPLETE status will be returned.
The url for the download package. The url will expire after one minute due to security reasons.